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    HOdo Epaper Chinese | English

    Constant development and hard working HOdo urges speedy development in 2017

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    “We not only feel proud for the past achievements but also have the urge for development as the era tide waits for nobody, and we cannot be restricted due to a narrow view but highlight the countrywide and worldwide situation to speed up development, because only development is a top priority”, according to HOdo Board Chairman and CEO Zhou Haijiang at the HOdo New Spring Festival Mobilization Meeting on February 3.

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    HOdo Group took the year of 2017 as its development year highlighting “three independent points” which are the measures for the purpose of development. Zhou Haijiang carried out strategic deployment and labor division at the three aspects of independent innovation, brand and capital. According to Zhou, every primary subsidiaries of the group must properly manufacture its own products and new ones to speed up development by use of perfect and new products.


    According to Zhou Haijiang, all primary subsidiaries shall insist on development and make more contributions to the group development through better confidence, resolution and steps in addition to actual actions and outstanding performances, strictly based on the “three independent points” of HOdo so as to present a good gift for the 60th birthday of the group and realize the goals of “valuable, intelligent, beautiful and happy HOdo”.

